Month: November 2016

(Credits) With Halloween having come and gone, we’ve seen an influx of horror movies saturating the film market, not to mention the number of horror movie marathons popping up...

(Credit) “I can’t commit to this relationship” is probably one of the most over-used breakup lines ever, and the reasons that come with it are unsurprisingly accepted and legitimised by...

Some relationship mistakes are one-time events. You make them, learn from them and move on. Then there are the ones that are habitual: You may know about these flaws, but...

If you hope to be the kind of girl guys would love to settle down with, then this article is for you! Singaporean men were interviewed on how they would...

Preparing for a first date is scary. Do not let the following types of food make your first date worse! Generally, we know about the kinds of food we should...

(Credits) 36 QUESTIONS THAT WILL PUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP ON FAST-FORWARD According to a study by social psychology researcher Arthur Aron at Stony Brook University, asking a stranger 36 tailored questions...