What to Expect When Dating An Introvert
The common misconception with introverts are that they are anti-social. That’s not the case though, they are just selectively social.
So here’s what you can expect when dating an introvert!
1. Loving in a quiet way

While some people show their love in grand gestures, introverts are generally into smaller acts of love. They pay attention to the little things that matter to you and do something nice in that way. For example, instead of taking you out for a night of dancing and partying, they would probably arrange a day pampering after knowing you had a long tough week. An introverted love is very personal and is the result of them being attentive to your needs without you having to say it.
2. Take time to warm up but then it’s worth the wait

The one important thing you should remember when dating an introvert is: Patience.
They move at their own pace to get comfortable with you and take time to share parts of their world with you. Don’t feel discouraged or think they are not interested. They just take time to warm up to the idea of letting anyone in but once you’re in, they will treasure you. So it’s definitely worth the wait.
3. Quality over quantity

Introverts tend to keep their circle small. They are the true definition of quality over quantity. They don’t give importance to have a big group of people and spending the weekend partying and showing it off to the world through social media. Big social interactions drain them. However, an intimate gathering with loved ones is more of the thing they would need to recharge their batteries.
4. Active listeners

There’s nothing better than to have a partner that genuinely listens. That’s what an introvert does. Sharing problems or experience or even when talking about nothing, they provide their undivided attention to you because they are naturally active listeners. They don’t just listen to respond but they engage in a way that you feel heard and it is important that you value that when you date an introvert. Don’t let the fact they are quiet bug because having a good listener as a partner is something to be cherished, especially on tough days. Don't take it personally, it's just how they identify as introverts.
5. But when they DO talk..

Well this is a privilege, really, because the only company they truly enjoy is themselves.
So when your introvert partner opens up to you, they have complete trust in you to share their feelings and thoughts. Try not to spook them by coming on too strong, it’s important they feel they still have their safe space.
In the words of Donald Miller, “When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.”
Introverts move and communicate in their own way, as everybody else. If you’re dating an introvert, learn what love language they respond to and enjoy the uniqueness they bring.
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