Tag: dating agency

When you see your parents or your grandparents or old couple pictures on social media, have you wondered what makes them stay in a relationship for 10 years or 60...

Dating can be tiring! I understand. You may be in the same boat as many singles out there who are: Tired of just swiping and chatting with random and non-genuine...

Romantic relationships can begin anywhere. When Cupid's arrow strikes, you might be at church or at school, on your way to the mall, on public transportation, in the gym or...

Most of you probably have heard about dating agencies like Lunch Actually. It's a pioneer modern dating agency in Asia that boasted the largest database of verified single professionals. Unlike...

Sure, it would be seemingly obvious that a dating agency would just find love for me, but is there really more to just that? It’s probably just very similar to...

Lunch Actually today released findings from its Annual Singles Dating Survey 2018 - that was conducted with 1,300+ singles living in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Thailand. The dating...

A dating agency can be a great platform in your search to find someone special. However, don't just commit yourself to a dating agency without knowing what you're getting into....

We totally think they're time-saver, and here are 5 reasons why it’s worth investing in matchmaking services in Singapore! Let’s be honest; we live busy lives. From running late to...

My hubby and I hit off instantly with our good vibes, energy and commonality right after getting introduced by a mutual friend. I left Singapore for 6 years to work...