Tag: matchmaking

Most of you probably have heard about dating agencies like Lunch Actually. It's a pioneer modern dating agency in Asia that boasted the largest database of verified single professionals. Unlike...

Dating is said to be a recession-proof industry - because despite external factors, all humans naturally desire a partner, and companionship. If anything, when things are down, this need is...

Sure, it would be seemingly obvious that a dating agency would just find love for me, but is there really more to just that? It’s probably just very similar to...

A dating agency can be a great platform in your search to find someone special. However, don't just commit yourself to a dating agency without knowing what you're getting into....

We totally think they're time-saver, and here are 5 reasons why it’s worth investing in matchmaking services in Singapore! Let’s be honest; we live busy lives. From running late to...

Having a partner is like having a big living teddy bear that you can cuddle with, has a shoulder to lean on when you’re feeling sad, a good listener that...

My hubby and I hit off instantly with our good vibes, energy and commonality right after getting introduced by a mutual friend. I left Singapore for 6 years to work...