The Do and Don’t on The First Date
Congratulations! The man of your dream finally asks you out or the woman of your dream finally says ‘yes’ when you ask her out! Meeting someone you like for the first time can be nerve-wrecking but it can be where the fun begins. If you feel nervous or jittery, don’t worry, it’s normal. As the leading dating agency, we have prepared the do and the don’t on the first date so you can get a higher chance to score the second date!
1. Set your mindset

The first do and the don’t on the first date is, forget the mindset “This first date must be successful so I can go on a second date”. Don't expect anything. If you go into any first date expecting one thing or another, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Expect to TRY and have a good time with someone, for at least an hour or two. Allow yourself to be surprised, and challenge yourself to welcome negative surprises as you welcome positive ones.
If something good happens after that: great!
If the date turns awkward, or something embarrassing happens: learn from it and move on. Whatever happens, you're OK.
2. Choose the right clothes

Our style is a symbol of our character. Represents choices that we’ve made in life. Dressing well for another also shows respect.
How to choose the right wardrobe:
- Avoid dark colours such as black, dark grey, dark brown, dark green, etc. Dark colours tend to give the impression that you’re difficult to approach. If you want to wear dark colours, pair it with lighter colours. For example, choose white tops/shirts with black pants or skirts. Don’t go all black from top to toe. It’s a big no no.
- For both male and female, having a good fit is very important. Women actually notice when the shirt you're wearing is too long or too short, especially on the length of the arm. Same thing with your pants - if your pants are too long, then you risk looking sloppy or lazy. If it's too short, it also won't look nice, unless it's meant to be short (ankle-length pants). When a man wears clothes that are too baggy, they can also look shorter or heavier than they actually are.
For ladies who is conscious of their tummy area, avoid clingy materials eg. bodycon or spandex dresses and an ill fitting top that is too loose may make you look frumpy.
3. Don’t forget to groom!

We believe the first secret to looking fresh for men is keeping your hair tidy and your facial hair neat! If you have the caveman look or the looks of somebody who has been sitting on his couch all day for the past week, chances are your partner won’t be impressed with you! Nowadays, it’s common for men to take care of their skin. So, regularly wash your face with face cleanser every morning and night or you can also use sheet mask the night before your date.
For women who are unsure on how much makeup to apply, here’s an easy guide to see the difference between a woman with no make-up, light make-up and heavy make-up! If a foundation is too heavy for you, which sometimes can create this cakey feel on the face, you can try lighter products like CC cream or cushion which doubles up as coverage, color corrector PLUS some brands also include moisturizer and SPF. This will be more natural and gives you this ‘my skin but better’ finish, which is what we all want! You can curl or or straighten your hair. If you wear nail polish, make sure it’s not chipped off.
Your scent is also very important, so make sure to always wear cologne. Women and men love it and a good cologne can make you feel more attractive and confident, which helps you appear more appealing to those around you.
4. Pay attention to your manner

You don’t have to be uptight and concerned about every little move, but you should watch your behavior just a little closer on a first date. That means practicing the basics like not chewing with your mouth open, keeping elbows off the table, and resisting the urge to slurp your soup. Or even worse, keep checking your phone!
5. Try mirroring your date

According to Nicolas Guéguen, a professor at the University of South Brittany in France, mirroring your date can make you seem more attractive. If your date eats slowly, try to follow her/his rhythm. If your date laughs, laugh with them.
6. Keep the conversation fun and light

Fun topics you can try: ○ Adventures that you had recently
○ Books/Youtube/Podcast - those that you recently read and your all time favorite books
○ Your favorite childhood memories and things you did with your parents last time
○ Your family, siblings, similarity and differences between your brothers and sisters and yourself
○ What you do during public holidays and weekends
○ Current and all time favorite movies
○ Your pets - you can also show photographs○ Favorite restaurants and type of food you like to eat
○ Travel - your favorite countries and recent holidays
Try to talk about many things but do not give all the information about you so it will make them curious!
7. After the date

Don’t forget to text your date after the date. Do not just say “Hi” or something similar, use the same topic you talk about during the date. Use emojis because they can make texting fun!
Use these examples:○ It’s ____ here, the girl you just went on a date with earlier!
○ I was thinking about that yummy ice cream we had the other day
○ I am listening to your favorite podcast/video
○ It was nice to have lunch with you
Those are the do and the don’t on the first date to ace your first date. If you still need professional help, you can try our professional service.

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