Why Wait To Date?
As most places are closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the idea of a date is just left at the back seat to burn.
With the situation the way it is, date should be put on hold too, right? NOPE!
Now more than ever, people need all the love they can get. We at Lunch Actually realise that: You can’t quarantine LOVE! So we’re going all out to make sure you don’t have to wait to date.
Virtual Speed Dating Event (Group Date!)
With that in mind, we organized the first ever Virtual Speed Dating Event. We have to admit, at first there were concerns that our singles would not feel the excitement of going out to experience a speed dating event HOWEVER the feedback was great! Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to meet like minded singles at the comfort of their own home (plus there’s no issue of finding a parking spot!)
Complimentary Virtual Consultation
All you need is the internet and a laptop or just your smartphone! Now you don’t need to think about looking for our office and coming for a consultation during your lunch time. Just click the link below to choose YOUR OWN SLOT for a FREE consultation and our team will call you to confirm your appointment. It can’t get easier than that. Complimentary consultation, comfortable couch, what are you waiting for?
Virtual Coaching Session
Lunch Actually Virtual Coaching Service is now available. So no matter where you are quarantined, your coach is just one video call away. Some things might be on hold due to COVID-19 but it’s best to take control of the things that you can. Besides, isn’t it nice to have someone to talk to? Be date-ready with our professional coaches ready to guide you to the best version of yourself!
We at Lunch Actually would like to send you all the love and hope you stay safe and strong through this challenging time. We’re here for you!

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