Physical traits don’t matter. Chemistry does.
I did not know anything about grooming and dressing up, and I was happy to have found a partner who accepted me for who I was, rather than the way I looked. It was year 2007.
During the course of our relationship, I realized that nobody's perfect. I myself am not perfect.
Along the way, I realized that nobody’s perfect. I am not perfect.
I was truly in love with my partner, and was driven to think more about our future together. Deeply influenced by my love for her, I strived to upgrade myself to be a better person for her sake.
My relationship didn't work out after 6 long years despite my best efforts. To be cheated on by a person I truly loved still remains one of my most painful experiences.
However, I will not say I wish I had not gone through the relationship. I am still grateful for my experiences with her. She has taught me how to deal with life, and how to appreciate and value myself more.
I became a better version of myself. For this, I am thankful.
His Journey with Lunch Actually
Carrying those life lessons that I’ve had, I always put myself into other people’s shoes. I truly care for the feelings of the clients that I deal with, as I know how their struggles feel like.
One of my clients sent me a WhatsApp message, asking me questions like how she should dress up, as well as how to start conversations on her upcoming date. She worried about her physical appearance.
After our face-to- face consultation, consistent follow-ups, and up-to- date feedback, I am glad to have witnessed her gain confidence as she prepared for her date with a match from our stringent database.
She happily shared with me that her date lasted from 1.00pm to 9.00pm on that day, and I ended up receiving compliments from both of them after their successful date. They both truly found their "chemistry".
Physical traits don’t matter. Chemistry does. #IMakeLoveHappen
More About Ado: Bachelor’s Degree Holder in Public Relations | Dating Consultant at esync (a wholistic dating service provider with an online portal under Lunch Actually Group)
Lunch Actually Reviews by Clients to Ado*
“Terimakasih sudah memberikan masukan bagaimana saya harus ber busana pada saat dating, serta pembicaraan apa yang harus saya lakukan pada saat saya dating. Setelah saya melakukan apa yang di sarankan oleh anda, akhirnya saya mendapatkan pasangan yang bisa menerima keadaan saya, dan hal terpenting adalah pasangan saya satu agama dengan saya. Sudah beberapa kali dating yang saya jalani namun selalu gagal, kali ini berkat saran yang diberikan oleh esync dating saya berjalan lancar dan berhasil.”
("Thank you for advising me how to dress up for a date, and also topics of conversation I can talk about during the date. After following your advice, I finally managed to find someone who can accept me for who I am, and the most important thing is that my partner shares the same religion as me. I've been many dates that didn't go anywhere - this time, thanks to esync, I succeeded in my date!")
“Jika dilihat dari fisik, mungkin ada beberapa kekurangan dari pasangan saya. Namun saya mengikuti saran yang diberikan untuk melakukan 2 atau 3 kali dating lagi. Ternyata berhasil, chemistry itu saya dapatkan setelah melakukan dating kedua dan ketiga. Saya sudah di perkenalkan kepada teman-temannya, dan dalam waktu dekat saya juga akan di perkenalkan kepada orang tua nya. Mungkin jika mengikuti ego, saya tidak akan melangkah sejauh ini, dan rasa nyaman ini saya dapatkan dari pasangan yang saya dapatkan di esync.”
("She may not be perfect just based on her appearance. However, I followed your advice to go on more dates with her. And really, I felt the chemistry after those subsequent dates. She has introduced me to her friends, and soon, to her parents too. If I just followed my ego, I may not even be here right now, I wouldn't have felt this comfort that I experience with her through esync.")
Ado has played a meaningful part in Lunch Actually Indonesia’s successful marriages, a dating company with over 90,000 dates arranged across 6 cities in Southeast Asia with 85% client satisfaction rate.
See more success stories by our Dating Consultants here.
*Disclaimer: For our clients’ privacy, names were not disclosed. All testimonials shown above are based on recorded client messages sent to our Dating Consultants.
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