Author: admin

作為Lunch Actually的創辦人,我見過不少的女士以男士的收入作為最重要的擇偶條件,單單因為她們認為金錢可以帶給她們穩定的生活及安全感。其實每個人心中都有自己的擇偶清單,合情合理。以我的經驗來說,男士大多...

Hong Kong singles need to be less decisive and be more vulnerable when it comes to dating, the chief executive of Lunch Actually Violet Lim advises.As the founder of the first lunch and date compa...

Love made easier so that this time it truly is just a click away. Lunch Actually is Asia’s first ever lunch dating company founded by real-life couple Violet Lim and Jamie Lee. With 14 yea...

What do you do?
I’m the co-founder and CEO of Lunch Actually Group. I’m a certified matchmaker and Lunch Actually’s Chief Cupid! I’m passionate about helping as many people as possible to achieve hap...

經歷了214情人節,不少單身狗都只能暗自悲嘆,即將又到314白色情人節,難道又要坐冷板櫈?積極一點!請教專家Lunch Actually創辦人Violet Lim學學調情技巧,先振作起來吧!Step 1. 先做好門面功夫

不是找不到心儀對象,而是每次都難以繼續發展?想趁這情人節「脫單」,那就快跟約會公司Lunch Actually創辦人,見盡無數離合與戀愛奇難雜症Violet Lim學習如何吸引異性!情景題一:Whatsapp已讀不回?談得興起...

According to a survey by online dating app "Coffee Meets Bagel," the perception of Valentine's Day appears to have changed dramatically. Singles are loud and proud, feeling empowered and less pressu...

In the time of Tinder, when your next date might be just a “swipe” away, a surprising number of Hongkongers are still forking out to go on speed dates – organised social events where participants ha...


趁著Violet到港期間,有不少記者朋友把握機會跟Violet進行訪問,同時Violet就著這些機會,正式向香港約會市場公佈Lunch Actually Group的全球首創項目Viola.AI。Lunch Actually Group會利用人工智能的技術,建立一個...

Lunch Actually創辦人兼行政總裁Violet特意在情人節前到港,跟記者朋友見面,傳受約會秘技。當你遇到不同的約會或愛情煩惱時,你會向不同的人尋求意見嗎?Lunch Actually最近的調查顯示超過七成港人認為朋友、家...

文章由香港Lunch Actually創辦人兼CEO Violet Lim執筆不經不覺2018年已過了一個月,狗年也快要來臨,面對新的一年,你是抱著隨遇而安的心態,還是你會為自己的未來好好作準備?在訂立新一年的目標前,我總習慣...