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Every couple in a happy and long-term relationship has THESE in common

Millions of happy couples exist in this world. If you’re one of them, you’re very lucky! Many of you had to go through thick and thin before you are finally in a happy, settled relationship. However, there are those who were lucky enough to have it simple and satisfying as well.

When you cook a pot of mushroom soup, there are a few key ingredients you need to have for it to taste good - water, mushrooms, cream, salt and pepper. Your relationship is just like that pot of soup - with the right ingredients and some time to boil, it’ll come out lovely.


Do you know what every couple in a happy and long-term relationship have in common?

1 -  Commitment

When you’re committed to your relationship, anything is possible. Both parties are willing to sacrifice time, use money and energy to maintain the relationship. It shows that you both love each other enough to do so as well. No matter what happens, a couple will prioritize the relationship so it doesn’t fall apart easily. You grow stronger together and in the later stage of the relationship, a tiny argument is nothing to both of you at all. Someone gives the other person a hug, apologizes, and everything is fine once again.

2 - Trust

It’s commonly stressed even in television dramas, but it’s true even in real life. Happy couples trust each other, especially when it comes to thoughts like “I think he’s cheating with Brittany.” No, thoughts like this don’t easily surface just because he took a selfie with Brittany, his colleague of 5 years at the company annual dinner. Trust him or her to not do anything that betrays you and both of you are going to be really happy in the relationship.

3 - Intimacy

It’s most important that two people can connect on a personal level, such as shared beliefs, passions, views on life etc. Nonetheless, intimacy plays a prominent role in a relationship as well. Research has shown that 20-second hugs help to reduce stress and the release of oxytocins (while hugging) can be used to build trust and positive relationships. So, hug more!

4 - Be there for each other

When you have your other half, one of the most important roles is to be the supporting actor in their life! When your partner is sad and feeling demotivated, hug them, comfort them and tell them everything is going to be okay. People tend to look more positively at life when they know someone has got their back. Challenges no longer seem as difficult as compared to when they’re without a partner.

5 - Communication

When both sides are honest about their opinions, feelings and points of view, it helps to create a better goal in life and in the relationship. A relationship that lacks communication isn’t a proper relationship. It’s only normal for a couple to talk about whatever they are feeling, admitting to their flaws and mistakes, telling what they wish the other party would be more considerate about etc. So, no more hiding, just speak your mind in a respectful way to your partner.

For those who are on their way to a happy relationship, we wish you luck!

If all that’s left to complete your life is a partner, Lunch Actually is here to fulfill your wishes. Call us now to talk to our friendly consultants and find out in detail how we can help you in searching for The Right One.

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