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Time Auction on Medium – Lessons on True Love from Arranging 100,000+ Dates— Dinner with Violet Lim, Co-Founder and CEO of Lunch Actually Group

Time Auction on Medium - Lessons on True Love from Arranging 100,000+ Dates— Dinner with Violet Lim, Co-Founder and CEO of Lunch Actually Group

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality behind their ventures.

Being a female cupid is no easy job. Over the years, Violet, Co-Founder and CEO of Lunch Actually Group, has faced numerous hurdles while building her personalised service that matches customers with a lunch date.

As a pioneer in this field, she’s helped Lunch Actually become the largest matchmaking business in Southeast Asia and has appeared on numerous international media such as BBC, Bloomberg and Radio Australia. Her success was affirmed when she received the Women Entrepreneur Award 2017 and was featured in Singapore’s National Day video as one of Singapore’s most inspiring people.

Over dinner, we learned about Violet’s journey on finding her life/business partner, and also received relationship advice for both the singles and the attached alike.

Do you have a guiding life philosophy?

I think the choices I’ve made in my life have been influenced by my dad. He has always reminded me,

“Be a leader, not a follower”

I don’t usually follow the conventional path, I seek to make a difference. In a way, that is what leadership is all about — going down the path that has never been walked before. My friends thought I was insane when I told them I wanted to start a matchmaking business. Through the years though, I have learnt it’s only when they say I’m crazy that I know I’m on the right path.

Any relationship tips?

For the single ones looking for love, I encourage you to put yourself out there. Think about the last 10 persons you have met. How many did you like, and what are the odds that they will like you back? Prince Charming won’t come pulling up to your door one random day — you have to actively find him! And remember, you have to love yourself before you start loving others. Don’t let the wrong one waste your time!

Love is more than a feeling, it is a commitment.

A relationship is easier when the two have common values. One’s values are usually anchored in their hearts. Marrying a person with similar values will be like marrying your best friend, it doesn’t get better than that!

Side note, if initiating the “marriage talk” scared your lover away…Congrats! You dodged a bullet. The one who runs away is not the right one.

If you were to teach someone something unrelated to your career, what would it be?

To plan for your life.

It’s daunting to put something out there and say, “There’s where I want to be in life.” We do this with our careers but not so much with our life journey. Looking back, my greatest accomplishment in life is becoming a mother. I couldn’t have done it without planning. I believe if there is a clear goal, there could be a clear plan. It helps us live our lives to the fullest.

What is one action that you want everyone to take away from meeting you tonight?

To challenge yourself. Think about that one dream you’ve always wanted but have somehow given up. Ask yourself, “Why aren’t I doing it?” A lot of times, dreams aren’t as out of reach as they seem, we just need a little time to pave our way towards them.

Time Auction on Medium - Lessons on True Love from Arranging 100,000+ Dates— Dinner with Violet Lim, Co-Founder and CEO of Lunch Actually Group


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