Tag: Lunch Actually Academy
Best Holiday Movie Scenes to Inspire Your Romantic Moments this Christmas - Dating Hong Kong
So Christmas is just around the corner, and we don't know about you, but Christmas is a pretty romantic holiday, isn't it? Perhaps it's because of the joy and love in the air, people exchanging gifts,...
Lunch Actually創辦人兼行政總裁Violet特意在情人節前到港,跟記者朋友見面,傳受約會秘技。當你遇到不同的約會或愛情煩惱時,你會向不同的人尋求意見嗎?Lunch Actually最近的調查顯示超過七成港人認為朋友、家...
Testimonial to Lunch Actually Academy Coaching Service
Lunch Actually Academy Dating Coach Iris收到不少會員的正面評價,可能你在不同的途徑得到很多約會的機會,但你有想過自己仍舊單身的原因是甚麼嗎?想拍拖不等於準備好拍拖或約會,想了解更約會指導的服務?歡...
Lunch Actually Academy x 聖雅閣福群會 形象指導工作坊
我們的姊妹公司Lunch Actually Academy替聖雅閣福群會教一班將升讀中五的學生見工時要注意的衣著及打扮。有兩位學生會有機會到Lunch Actually進行5天的工作體驗。#WorkHardWithHeart...